When asking a question, conjugate the verb to the tú preterite form- in "¿Sacaste fotos de los amigos?" sacar becomes sacaste- "did you take?".
Unless irregular, the tú preterite form of a verb has the ending -aste for am -ar verb or -iste for an -er or -ir verb.
In the response, conjugate the verb to the yo preterite form- "Sí, saqué fotos de los amigos," sacar becomes saqué- "yes, I took."
Unless irregular, the yo preterite form of a verb has the ending -é if it is an -ar verb, or í if it is an -er or -ir verb. In this case the verb stem ends in c, so the c is replaces with qu to retain the same pronunciation. Otherwise the c would be pronounced as an s, which we don't want.
In number one, the tú preterite form of pagar is pagaste. The yo preterite form is pagué. The stem of pagar ends in g, so the g is replaced with gu to retain the same pronunciation.
In number two, the tú preterite form of jugar is jugaste . The yo preterite form is jugué.
In number three, the tú preterite form of buscar is buscaste. The yo preterite form is busqué. In this case the verb stem ends in c, so the c is replaces with qu to retain the same pronunciation.
In number four, the tú preterite form of llegar is llegaste. The yo preterite form is llegué.
In number five, the tú preterite form of empezar is empezaste. The yo preterite form is empecé. The stem ends in z pronounced as an s sound, so to retain the pronunciation it is replaced with a c in the yo form.
¿Pagaste el abrigo con la tarjeta de crédito?
No, no pagué el abrigo con la tarjeta de crédito.
¿Jugaste al tenis?
Si, jugué al tenis
¿Buscaste un libro en la biblioteca?
No, no busqué un libro en la biblioteca.
¿Llegaste tarde a clase?
Si, llegué tarde a clase.
¿Empezaste a escribir una carta?
No, no empecé a escribir una carta.