"Grandpa Dan wasn’t in the camps, thank God. He was born in America, just like you. That’s because my family came over to this country in the early 1900s, second class. Not steerage.” She got that faraway look that signaled she was about to recite another part of the family saga.
Read the excerpt from Refugee by Alan Gratz.
"Do you want the Nazis to catch you? Do you want them to send you back to that place?” Josef hissed at Papa. . . .
Aaron Landau dropped his wife’s hand, dragged his oversized coat sleeve across his face, and stood rigidly at attention, eyes forward.
Like a prisoner.
The doctor came down their row, looking at each person in turn. When he got to Papa, Josef held his breath. The doctor looked Josef’s father up and down, then moved on. Josef sagged with relief. They’d made it. His father had passed the doctor’s inspection!
How do Gratz and Yolen write differently about leaving one’s home country?
Yolen shows that immigrants faced enormous difficulties, while Gratz shows refugees traveling safely to their new home.
Yolen shows that immigrants desperately missed their home countries, while Gratz shows refugees looking forward to living in their new country.
Yolen describes a safe and comfortable journey across the ocean, while Gratz shows that fleeing during the war was dangerous.
Yolen describes immigrants dealing with poor conditions on the ships, while Gratz shows that refugees traveled in luxury.
En mi cuaderno, reescribo las siguientes oraciones y reemplazo las palabras señaladas por un hiperónimo. Analizo qué tipo de relación hay en cada caso.
A mi hermana le gustan mucho las joyas
Los planetas tienen temperaturas muy altas
El mayor flujo de turistas se produce en verano
un hiperónimo es una palabra cuyo significado incluye otras palabras mas especificas como una manera mas general de referirse a algo
Ano ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng ibong adarna at salungatan sa totoong buhay
The need for "chunking" is especially important in process-oriented or "demonstration speeches" because of the high number of steps that might be involved. True
The above statement is true.
What are demonstration speeches?They are speeches that guide people.They are speeches that show how something should be done.Demonstrative speeches may present many successive steps, covering many requirements. This can be exhausting for the audience and the speaker and make the speech ineffective.
To avoid this, it is important for the speaker to divide the speech into smaller parts, which are easier to present, discuss and manage. This makes the speech more palatable, and easier to follow and understand.
Learn more about speeches:
According to the case, entering Brazil one year after Plano Real was not good timing because of the economic situation (inflation was very high). true or false
According to the case, entering Brazil one year after Plano Real was not good timing because of the economic situation (inflation was very high). true or false
salut! repet la rom, timpurile. va rog ajutor!
mergeam in parc
mancam un mar
prezentam un proiect
citeam o carte
sunt la imperfect trecut?
Sigur, iată verbele date la toate timpurile în limba română:
Trecut simplu:
am mers in parc
am mâncat un măr
am prezentat un proiect
am citit o carte
merg in parc
mănânc un măr
prezint un proiect
citesc o carte
mergeam in parc
mâncam un măr
prezintam un proiect
citeam o carte
Sper că te-a ajutat!
T/F The simple definition of media convergence is using two or more media to communicate messages.
Answer: Hi! Your answer should be:
Let me know if I answered your question incorrectly! <3
3) 作文
A friend's parents are opening a new fitness centre in your area. They
ask you for help in producing a web page to advertise it to Chinese-
speaking visitors.
You could mention:
• Some details about the fitness centre
• What sort of people should use it
• What makes it different from other fitness centres
• What healthy eating options are available in the restaurant
• What to do if you want to use the facilities.
The Fitness Center is a health, recreational, and social facility geared towards exercise, sports, and other physical activities. It may be a for-profit commercial facility or a community- or institutionally-supported center. A successful facility will accommodate both the serious athlete and the casual recreational user.