Answer: 15 seconds
25% of 60 = 25/100x60 = 15
95 points for this one, pls help me cause I do not understand this..
Largest for first box, last 3 I would need the possible choices. Sorry mate.
Imagine your family is planning to move to a foreign country. They ask you to make a recommendation for a new location. Choose one country in North America (not including the United States) to research. View the map to help you choose.
Research the selected country. Find geography information and data on its standard of living. A helpful resource is the CIA World Factbook. Complete the Country Recommendation worksheet with information about the country you selected.
In early 2022, the GDP per capita of the United States was $59,312. How does this compare with your selected country? What does it tell you about standard of living in your selected country versus the United States? Respond to these questions using at least three to five sentences.
Examine the information you have researched. Decide whether you recommend this country for your family's new home. Write down the reasons you do or do not recommend it.
Save your worksheet in one file to turn in. Use the name "Country_Recommendation_your name" for your file to turn in.
sorry i only have 36 points left
He investigado sobre Canadá como posible destino de mudanza para mi familia. Canadá es un país situado en América del Norte y se encuentra al norte de los Estados Unidos. Es el segundo país más grande del mundo en términos de superficie terrestre. Según el World Factbook de la CIA, el PIB per cápita de Canadá en 2022 fue de $50,996. Si lo comparamos con el PIB per cápita de los Estados Unidos, vemos que es menor. Esto sugiere que el nivel de vida en Canadá es ligeramente más bajo que en los Estados Unidos.
En mi opinión, Canadá sería un excelente destino de mudanza para mi familia. Es un país muy desarrollado y tiene una economía fuerte. Canadá es conocido por su sistema de salud universal y una educación pública de alta calidad. Además, el país es multicultural y tiene una sociedad tolerante y acogedora. En cuanto al clima, el invierno en algunas regiones puede ser muy frío, pero también hay muchas oportunidades para disfrutar de deportes de invierno y actividades al aire libre. En general, Canadá sería una excelente opción para mi familia.
espero te sirva, me puedes dar estrellas xd
Employees in the __________ Pathway help to align business and IT goals.
Human Resources Management
Operations Management
Business Information Management
Administrative Support
The Maya were truly ahead of their time, yet they seem to be placed in a subordinate tier when discussing the world's most advanced civilizations. Write a short essay explaining why the Maya should be considered one of the most advanced civilizations of all time. Be sure to cite and provide reasons to support your main idea.PLEASE HELP!!!!
Answer and Explanation: The Maya were a very advanced society because they developed some of the key ingredients of civilization. They developed a written language, some of which we have deciphered, some of which we have not. They built tremendous stone buildings and pyramids that rival any in the ancient world.
pls help lol idek what to do...
The larger one is china, island one is japan, and the top one is north korea while the bottom is south korea.
We can tell by searching up a global map.