Why do you think krakauer begins the story of Chris mccandless at the end of his end?


Answer 1
Krakauer begins the story of Chris McCandless at the end of his life to emphasize the tragedy of his death and to emphasize the importance of his journey. By beginning at the end, Krakauer is able to draw the reader in and make them more invested in the story. It also allows Krakauer to explore the themes of the story in a more meaningful way.
Answer 2


Krakauer begins the story of Chris McCandless at the end of his life to create a sense of mystery and intrigue for the reader, and to draw attention to the fact that McCandless died alone in the wilderness. By beginning with this dramatic event, Krakauer sets the stage for the rest of the story and piques the reader's interest in understanding how and why McCandless ended up in this situation. Additionally, starting at the end allows Krakauer to explore the circumstances of McCandless's death, and to delve deeper into the factors that led to his decision to venture into the Alaskan wilderness alone.

Related Questions

1.Explain in your own words 3 ways that we can correct oral errors effectively.

2.Explain 3 ways that we can correct written errors effectively.


1. Oral errors, also known as speaking errors, are mistakes made during the process of speaking. It is important to correct these errors in order to improve communication skills and prevent the formation of bad habits. Here are three effective ways to correct oral errors:

Self-correction: Self-correction is a technique where the speaker acknowledges their own errors and corrects them immediately. This involves paying attention to what you are saying and identifying the errors in real-time. Once the error is identified, the speaker should repeat the correct form of the sentence, word or pronunciation. Self-correction helps to build awareness of common mistakes and reinforces correct language usage.

Feedback from others: Feedback from others, such as a teacher, a tutor, or a language partner, is another effective way to correct oral errors. It allows the speaker to receive constructive criticism on their speech and helps them to identify areas where improvement is needed. The feedback should be specific, clear and given in a supportive manner. Receiving feedback from others can be an effective way to address issues that the speaker may not have noticed or been aware of.

Practice: Practice is essential for correcting oral errors. The more you practice, the more you become familiar with the language and develop a better understanding of its rules and structures. Practice can take many forms, such as reading out loud, repeating sentences, or having conversations with others. The key is to consistently engage in activities that require you to speak in the target language. This helps to improve muscle memory, develop better pronunciation, and build confidence in speaking.


2. Written errors, also known as writing errors, are mistakes made during the process of writing. Effective correction of these errors is essential to improve writing skills and communicate more effectively in writing. Here are three effective ways to correct written errors:

Self-correction: Self-correction is a technique where the writer reviews their own writing and identifies and corrects errors themselves. This involves carefully reading through the text to identify spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. The writer can use online tools, such as spell-checkers, grammar checkers, and style guides to help identify errors. Once the errors are identified, the writer should correct them and re-read the text to ensure that it is clear, concise and easy to understand.

Peer editing: Peer editing is a technique where a writer receives feedback from another person, such as a colleague or friend, to help identify errors in their writing. The peer editor should read through the text and identify spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, as well as areas where the text could be clearer or more concise. The editor should provide feedback in a constructive manner, giving specific suggestions for improvement. This technique helps to identify issues that the writer may have overlooked and provides an opportunity for further improvement.

Professional editing: Professional editing involves hiring a professional editor to review the writer's work and provide feedback. A professional editor has the expertise to identify and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, as well as provide suggestions for improving the structure, clarity, and tone of the writing. A professional editor can also provide guidance on style and formatting to ensure that the writing is professional and polished. This technique is especially useful for writers who are publishing their work, such as authors or journalists.

explain how the friendship between angelina and pete contributes to the theme in the play a star-spangled catastrophe



our friend ship is so good we are so closet friend also.

In this case, the student question asks how the friendship between Angelina and Pete contributes to the theme in the play A Star-Spangled Catastrophe.

What is the contribution of friendship?

The friendship between Angelina and Pete in the play A Star-Spangled Catastrophe contributes to the theme of the play in several ways. One way is that their friendship helps to highlight the importance of unity and cooperation in times of crisis. When the play begins, Angelina and Pete are two individuals who are dealing with their own personal problems.

However, when they come together and work together, they are able to overcome their problems and help others in need. Another way that their friendship contributes to the theme of the play is that it shows the power of friendship and how it can help people to overcome difficult situations.

When Angelina and Pete first meet, they are strangers who have little in common. However, as they get to know each other better, they form a strong bond of friendship that helps them to face the challenges ahead. Finally, their friendship also helps to highlight the importance of empathy and understanding.

Throughout the play, Angelina and Pete are able to put themselves in each other's shoes and understand the challenges that they are facing. This empathy helps them to work together more effectively and to achieve their goals in the end.

Learn more about Catastrophe here:



Using the letters of the alphabet (A-Z), brainstorm a different word that begins with each letter (look for new words you have never used before). On a sheet of paper write the word, definition, and create a sentence using the word. Extra points for using all 4 types of sentences



A - Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure.

Sentence: The abstruse concept of quantum mechanics can be challenging to grasp.

B - Baleful: threatening or harmful in intent or effect.

Sentence: The baleful glare from his boss made him nervous.

C - Capricious: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.

Sentence: Her capricious personality made it hard for others to predict her actions.

D - Desultory: lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.

Sentence: He made a desultory attempt at studying for his exam, resulting in a poor grade.

E - Ebullient: cheerful and full of energy.

Sentence: The ebullient children were laughing and playing in the park.

F - Furtive: attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble.

Sentence: He cast a furtive glance around the room, hoping no one would see him.

G - Garrulous: excessively or pointlessly talkative.

Sentence: The garrulous professor went on and on about his research, leaving his students bored.

H - Hapless: unfortunate and deserving of pity.

Sentence: The hapless victim of the accident was rushed to the hospital.

I - Ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

Sentence: The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving the onlookers speechless.

J - Jocular: fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.

Sentence: His jocular personality made him a hit at parties.

K - Knavish: dishonest; untrustworthy.

Sentence: The knavish salesman tried to cheat his customers out of their money.

L - Lugubrious: looking or sounding sad and dismal.

Sentence: The lugubrious music played at the funeral made everyone feel even more sorrowful.

M - Mellifluous: sweet-sounding; pleasing to the ear.

Sentence: The mellifluous voice of the singer made the audience feel entranced.

N - Nefarious: wicked or criminal.

Sentence: The nefarious plot to rob the bank was foiled by the police.

O - Obdurate: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.

Sentence: The obdurate employee refused to take his boss's advice, even though it would have helped the company.

P - Pernicious: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

Sentence: The pernicious habit of smoking eventually led to his lung cancer.

Q - Querulous: complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

Sentence: The querulous customer demanded to speak to the manager, even though the problem had already been resolved.

R - Risible: such as to provoke laughter; ludicrous.

Sentence: His risible attempt at a joke fell flat, leaving everyone awkwardly silent.

S - Sanguine: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

Sentence: Despite the setback, she remained sanguine about the future.

T - Tenebrous: dark and gloomy.

Sentence: The tenebrous atmosphere of the abandoned house made her shiver.

U - Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Sentence: The ubiquitous nature of social media makes it difficult to avoid.

V - Vexatious: causing annoyance, frustration, or worry.

Sentence: The vexatious problem with the computer kept him from finishing his work.

W - Welter: a large number of items in no order; a confused mass.

Sentence: The welter of papers on his desk made it hard to find what he was looking for.

X - Xenial: hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners.

Sentence: The xenial host welcomed the guests with open arms.

Y - Yearning: a feeling of intense longing for something.

Sentence: His yearning for a better life motivated him to work harder.

Z - Zealous: having or showing great enthusiasm or devotion.

Sentence: The zealous fan of the band had been following them on tour for weeks.

Here are some example sentences that use all four types of sentences:

Declarative: The sun is shining brightly today.

Interrogative: Is it going to rain later?

Imperative: Please pass the salt.

Exclamatory: What a beautiful day it is!

Which transitional words show cause and effect? Select 4 options.


Answer: thus so another

Explanation: if you were to put those in a sentence like thus shall not do that or so if you would rather be able to say please say it or another way is this.

why does Orwell choose to use dramatic irony throughout animal farm?


The author uses symbolism, character development, and sarcasm to convey his ideas and warn society about how power corrupts, how our aspirations will never come true, and how the general public has to be better aware and wary of its political rivals.

Why is dramatic irony employed in Animal Farm?

Dramatic irony creates discordant speech by revealing facts to the reader that one or more characters are unaware of. When the animals joyously bid Boxer, the diligent horse, goodbye thinking he was heading to a veterinary hospital for treatment, illiteracy is shown to be a problem once more.

Why is theatrical irony employed? What does it mean?

Irony can take the form of dramatic irony. This technique frequently results in tragedy because the audience interprets the characters' actions differently than the actors or characters do.

To know more about Dramatic irony visit:-



Read the next paragraph from Ellison's essay, then generate two or three questions each about diction or syntax. from On Bird, Bird-Watching and Jazz Ralph Ellison Mimic thrushes, which include the catbird and brown thrasher, along with the mockingbird, are not only great virtuosi, they are the tricksters and con men of the bird world. Like Parker, who is described as a confidence man and a practical joker by several of the commentators, they take off on the songs of other birds, inflating, inverting and turning them wrong side out, and are capable of driving a prowling ("square") cat wild. Utterly irreverent and romantic, they are not beyond bugging human beings. Indeed, on summer nights in the South, when the moon hangs low, mockingbirds sing as though determined to heat every drop of romance in the sleeping adolescent's heart to fever pitch. Their song thrills and swings the entire moon-struck night to arouse one's sense of the mystery, promise and frustration of being human, alive and hot in the blood. They are as delightful to the eye as to the ear, but sometimes a similarity of voice and appearance makes for a confusion with the shrike, a species given to impaling insects and smaller songbirds on the points of thorns, and they are destroyed. They are fond of fruit, especially mulberries, and if there is a tree in your yard, there will be, along with wonderful music, much chalky, blue-tinted evidence of their presence. Under such conditions, be careful and heed Parker's warning to his friends — who sometimes were subjected to a shrikelike treatment — "you must pay your dues to Bird."



Questions about diction:

1. What other words or phrases does Ellison use to describe the mimic thrushes?

2. What connotations does Ellison evoke by referring to Parker as a "confidence man"?

3. How does Ellison's choice of words emphasize the delightfulness of the mimic thrushes?

Questions about syntax:

1. What is the effect of the parallel structure in the sentence "Like Parker, who is described as a confidence man and a practical joker by several of the commentators, they take off on the songs of other birds, inflating, inverting and turning them wrong side out"?

2. How does the sentence structure of the sentence "Their song thrills and swings the entire moon-struck night to arouse one's sense of the mystery, promise and frustration of being human, alive and hot in the blood" add to the imagery?

3. How does the syntax of the sentence "Under such conditions, be careful and heed Parker's warning to his friends — who sometimes were subjected to a shrikelike treatment — 'you must pay your dues to Bird'" add to the irony?

A 2nd grade student writes:"I have finely finished my math project." Her misspelling of the word finally most likely indicates what?




She has not matched spelling to the meaning parts of the word


She knows what finally means, however, she doesn't know how to spell the word correctly

A:Does this penbelongto you? B: No. it __________ be Haber's. He was sitting at that desk. (might/can/should/must)​


Answer: might


Why did the poor of Ireland not benefit from the higher export prices of their



✿´`·.·´`✿Nevertheless, the poorest classes did not see much of this money because the benefit of higher export prices was cancelled out by the rise in food prices. In some ways, this polarisation towards food production increased the poor's vulnerability to crop failure.

3. Looking at the last lines of her monologue on page 107, starting with, "It ain't much, but
it's all I got..." what are the most important details? Why does Hansberry have Mama
make this decision?


The play describes the Youngers' lives as an African-American family in the 1950s South Side of Chicago. It chronicles how they battle discrimination while managing to maintain their family's unity.

Who is Lorraine Hansberry?

American playwright and author Lorraine Hansberry lived from 1930 to 1965. Below is a selection of quotations from Hansberry's best-known book, A Raisin in the Sun.

Her most well-known play, A Raisin in the Sun (1959), made history as the first African-American woman's Broadway production. Hansberry also made history by being the first African playwright and the youngest American to receive the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Play at the age of twenty-nine.

Mama gives Walter the rest of the insurance money because she feels guilty. I think she made the wrong decision because Walter didn't use it wisely.

Therefore, This monologue describes chronicles of battle discrimination while managing to maintain their family's unity.

Learn more about Lorraine Hansberry, here;



what does this mean "A lot of people never use their initiative because no one told me to"



"A lot of people never use their initiative because no one told them to." is Banksy's ironic criticism about people who follow orders.


Hope this helped you. Brainliest if possible! :D I also answered first! (Please don't copy my answer for anyone that answer this question!) :D

Choose either valid or invalid



invalid, valid, valid, valid


Doves grandmothers real name was Georgianna the name Beulah means “married or claimed as a wife” why do you think dove renamed her grandmother



Dove changed her grandmother's name from Georgianna to Beulah because she wanted the biblical allusions and because it was more effective rhythmically to use a shorter name in the poems.

About what is the poem Dusting?

A poem for parents called "Dusting" focuses on the influence of parents on how their children turn out (Alvarez 622). The girl is practising writing her name, as stated in the poem.

Nothing in life is tiny, as this poem's message makes clear. Positive changes in our lives can come from even the most minor things. Also, it demonstrates how things can improve in life if we approach them positively. Even the little things we do to help or show kindness to others have a significant impact.

To learn more about biblical allusions



Read the following title and subtitle from an informational article.
Tiny Plastic, Big Problem
Scientists find that tiny pieces of plastic travel great distances,
threatening the ocean ecosystem
The reader can predict that the author's purpose is most likely to -


The author's purpose is most likely to stop the use of plastic.Not only is this pollution unsightly, but it may also cause the death of many species of marine life.

Why is plastic the biggest problem?

Plastic pollution can change habitats and natural processes, trimming ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate alteration, directly affecting millions of people's livelihoods, food production potentialities and social well-being.

The ocean environment is in danger because small plastic fragments may travel huge distances, according to scientists. In this ocean, plastic debris is floating.

Thus, the tiny plastics are the big problem.

To learn more about the plastic, follow the link;



Look at the chart below. Choose up to 5 characteristics you
feel describe yourself. Then determine which personality
type fits you best and explain why in at least 5 detailed
sentences (10 pts).



sensitive, curious, kind, organized, self-confident - Im more of a harmonizer.

This fits me the best because It is me and because my personality is just built up like that, I tend to be very kind but also sensitive so I would get bothered or hurt very easily. I like to keep things organized at all costs and I'm very curious once I know something I invest more into it.


A man who lives in a village is called village life and A man who lives in a town is called a city life. Village life is really different from city life. City life is a life of luxury and plenty. It is a busy, competitive and noisy life. In the city buses, trucks, cars and other vehicles always run on the road and the industries make sound. City life offers greater modern facilities of life. In the city, schools and colleges offer better standard education. There are scopes for trade, and commerce, medical treatment, etc in cities. So people get employment opportunities. On the other hand, life is quiet and peaceful in the village. There is no rush and hurry. Village life is free from all types of pollution. The air is fresh and clean there. People get fresh vegetables and fishes in the market. So it is completely wrong to consider that life in a village is not good. Life in both these places is dependent on each other and contributes equally to the progress of the country. What is city life?



City life is a life of luxury and plenty. It is a busy, competitive and noisy life.City life offers greater modern facilities of life. In the city, schools and colleges offer better standard education.


City life is more dependent on retail as opposed to fresh resources in the country. Also, better education and more dependent on commerce.

type the word from your spelling list that has two sets of vowel digraphs that each spell one sound. acquaint to inform admit acknowledge; accept ailment illness bail to provide money or bond for the release of someone bale a large bound package of raw material such as hay board a flat length of lumber bored tired of repetition of activity or words choir group of singers, especially in a church cue a word or signal given to begin or enter emit to send out light featherweight extremely light haiku unrhymed form of japanese poetry containing 17 syllables leisure free time permit allow promote to support or advance a cause queue line of people or vehicles quire set of 24 or 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock receipt print record of money or goods received. relief something that lessens pain or anxiety relieve to ease pain or suffering remit to pardon or forgive submit to yield to a higher authority yielded to give over something


Example of Vowel digraphs in the list of words provided are;

acquaint (ai makes the sound "ay")admit (ai makes the sound "ay")ailment (ai makes the sound "ay" and ei makes the sound "ee")bail (ai makes the sound "ay")board (oa makes the sound "oh" and ai makes the sound "or")haiku (ai and u make the sound "eye")cue (ue and u make the sound "you")emit (ei makes the sound "ee")featherweight (ea makes the sound "e")leisure (ei makes the sound "e")receipt (ei makes the sound "ee")relieve (ei makes the sound "ee")

What are vowel digraphs?

Vowel digraphs are two consecutive vowels in a word that together represent a single sound or phoneme. In other words, when two vowels are placed together in a word, they work together to create a single vowel sound that is different from the individual sounds each vowel would make if pronounced separately. Examples of vowel digraphs include "ai" in "rain", "ea" in "eat", "ie" in "pie", "oa" in "boat", and "ui" in "fruit".

Find more useful exercises on Vowel digraph;



pls help, write about a trip to mexico, I have to read it out loud so no big words


If you take a trip to Mexico, you'll find a wide variety of attractions and experiences to enjoy. In Mexico City, you can explore the ancient Aztec ruins, visit the National Museum of Anthropology, and sample some of the country's delicious cuisine. If you're a fan of the beach, there are plenty of options along the Caribbean coast, including Cancun and Tulum. Mexico also boasts a number of fascinating archaeological sites, such as the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza (chee·chen it·suh) and Palenque (puh·len·kay). And let's not forget the vibrant and colorful culture of Mexico, with its lively music, traditional dances, and beautiful handicrafts. Whether you're interested in history, adventure, or simply soaking up the local culture, there's something for everyone in Mexico.

At the beginning of the story, which is the most important symbol Langston Hughes presents? Question 10 options: Luella's purse NYC Blue suede shoes Luella's hat


The most significant symbol introduced at the start of Langston Hughes' short story "Thank You, Ma'am" is Luella's pocketbook. The handbag is a symbol of both Luella's possessions and her moral principles.

What is Langston Hughes?

An influential person in the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement that took place in New York City in the 1920s and 1930s, was the American writer and poet Langston Hughes (1902–1967). Throughout his poems, novels, short stories, plays, essays, and dramas, Hughes examined issues of racial identity, social injustice, and African American lives. In addition to expressing the distinctive rhythms and accents of African American culture, he also employed vivid portrayals of urban life and everyday problems in his poetry. Hughes' writing has influenced American literature for a long time and is still praised for its lyrical and emotional effect.

To learn more about literature visit here:



Luella's wallet is the most important symbol that is first mentioned in Langston Hughes' short story "Thank You, Ma'am." The handbag represents Luella's goods as well as her moral values.

What is the character of Luella Bates?

Ingrid Bates Roger's target is a tough yet incredibly kind woman named Washington Jones. Mrs. Jones, described as an older, "big woman with a large pocketbook," forbids Roger from fleeing after his botched robbery.

She reprimands him at first, but after understanding he probably has no family to watch out for him, she brings him home with her so she can get him cleaned up and fed. Her statement to Roger that he "ought to be [her] son" so that she could teach him "right from wrong".

To know more about Thank You, Ma'am, visit:



i. Mabel decided to wear new dress for Mrs Dalloway's part


Mabel Waring comes at Clarissa Dalloway's party in Woolf's 1924 short tale "The New Dress," where she is immediately overcome by emotions of inadequacy.

How would you characterize Mabel's new outfit?

She now finds her once-beautiful dress to be tacky. She evaluates each component of the dress, from the color to the skirt and sleeve designs. Rose Shaw approaches Mabel and tells her that she likes her clothing, though it's unclear if Mabel says anything about her fear out loud.

How is Mabel's new dress described? What does she think of it?

Rose Shaw remarks that Mabel's clothing is "absolutely charming," but Mabel is unconvinced by the praise and continues angrily with her allegory of the flies: "We are all like flies trying to creep over the roof." the saucer's rim." Regrettably, as soon as she makes this claim, she abruptly retracts it and adds that "she could not see them.

To know more about Mabel new dress visit:



Day 13 Directions: Review Winter's Tail and Interview with Abby. Head Dolphin Trainer. Then complete the table match below. 6. Fill in one bubble for each row to explain how information is presented in each text. (R.3.3) (This question is scored as 3 points) The author describes one trainer's personal experience with Winter and how they support her. The author presents information about how Winter became injured and was rescued by the aquarium. The author explains the process of how Winter's prosthetic tail was created. Winter's Tail A A Interview with Abby Both​



The first row describes how information is presented in each text. "Winter's Tail" is presented descriptively, providing detailed information about one trainer's personal experience with Winter and how they support her.

Click on the picture it shows the questions


In "Incident," the word "tremble" suggests a sense of fear, vulnerability, and instability.

What is the connotation about?

The connotation of the word communicates the fragility of the family's situation and the precariousness of their safety. It implies that the incident was so terrifying that even the wicks in their lamps were shaking. This word choice helps to convey the emotional impact of the incident on the family, highlighting the fear and uncertainty they felt.

The similes "trussed like a Christmas tree" and "white as angels in their gowns" in stanza 2 of "Incident" create a vivid and intense image that helps to develop tension in the poem. The comparison to a Christmas tree suggests the family was restrained or bound up, as if they were trapped or imprisoned. The reference to angels emphasizes the innocence and vulnerability of the family members, highlighting the brutality and injustice of the attack. The use of these similes helps to build a sense of foreboding and unease, creating a feeling of tension that pervades the poem. It emphasizes the severity of the incident and the lasting impact it had on the family.

Learn more about connotative on:



What do you think kipling's true motivation is in writing this poem? is it racial dominance? or was he genuinely interested in helping others? could he have another aim in mind? how can you tell?.



Kipling's true motivation in writing this poem is likely multifaceted. It is possible that he may have wanted to promote racial dominance, as the poem centers on the idea of the British Empire being the pinnacle of progress and civilization. However, it is also possible that he had a genuine interest in helping others by encouraging people to reach their full potential and strive for greatness. Kipling's other aim may have been to glorify the British Empire, as well as to provide a moral lesson about the importance of hard work and dedication. One can tell this by looking at the language of the poem, which is filled with imagery of strength, power, and accomplishment.

what encouraged Barack Obama to become a president?


Obama was motivated by a desire to effect change and serve others, and he saw the potential to unite and inspire Americans.

What has Obama accomplished for the country?

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, executed a number of policies that had far-reaching consequences for the country. Among his most notable achievements was the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called Obamacare, which healthcare coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans. He also executed the Deferred Action for Early life Arrivals (DACA) programme, which provided work permits and safety from deportation to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children. Obama also contributed to the recovery of the economy following the 2008 financial crisis, as well as progress on issues like climate change and criminal justice reform.

To know more about Obama Visit:



Language arts
II.1 Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses 5ZM
Add a comma or semicolon if needed. Otherwise, submit the text without any additional
Lepidoptera, the name given to an order of insects, comes from the Greek for "scaly
winged" it refers to the microscopic scales on the wings of moths, butterflies, and


Lepidoptera, the name given to an order of "insects", comes from the Greek for "scaly winged", it refers to the microscopic scales on the wings of moths, butterflies, and skippers. This is the complete sentence by using punctuation.

What do you mean by the term punctuation ?

Punctuation is the division of written words into sentences and phrases using symbols like full stops, periods, commas, and question marks.

His misuse of punctuation and language was well-known. A noncount noun The symbols you employ to separate written words into sentences and clauses are known as punctuation.

Examples of various punctuation are full stops (.), commas (,), question marks (?), colons (:), semi-colons (;), apostrophes (') and speech marks (",").

Thus, Lepidoptera, the name given to an order of "insects", comes from the Greek for "scaly winged", it refers to the microscopic scales on the wings of moths, butterflies, and skippers.

To learn more about the Punctuation, follow the link;



5. What is the correct punctuation for the following sentence? This morning Tanner asked
Brittany if he could borrow her stapler
This morning Tanner asked Brittany, if he could borrow her stapler?
b. This morning Tanner asked Brittany, if he could borrow her stapler.
c. This morning Tanner asked, Brittany if he could borrow her stapler?
This morning, Tanner asked Brittany if he could borrow her stapler.


The answer should be the last one. This morning, Tanner asked Brittany if he could borrow her stapler.

The reason is that the commas separate out the introductory phrase "this morning" to form the correct sentence structure.

What is the meaning of the title "The Pleasures of Eating" Why do you think the author chose it? What is he trying to tell us, his audience, in this title?



The title "The Pleasures of Eating" is meant to convey the idea that eating can be an enjoyable experience. The author is trying to emphasize the importance of taking pleasure in the act of eating and to encourage readers to savor and appreciate their meals. By emphasizing the pleasure that can be found in eating, the author is attempting to encourage healthy eating habits and an understanding of the importance of food in one's life.

What did Banksy mean when he said "A lot of people never use their initiative because no one told them to."



That people can't the ability to assess and initiate things independently without being instructed so.


This means that some people are so used to being told what to do, that they wait for instructions or the command to do something without being told.

Hope it helped!

why fidelity is essentially contestable


Contestable refers to the idea that we should only use the definition that others like. however obviously to speak with them.

What is meant by "with fidelity"?

the attribute of faithfulness or loyalty. fidelity to one's marriage, in particular: not engaging in adultery and, on occasion, yielding to a spouse's reasonable sexual wants.

What are some instances of loyalty?

Dogs are renowned for being faithful. Since the Latin word fides, which meaning "faith," is the source of the word fidelity, fidelity is the quality of being faithful. Being true to your partner while you're married. If you work as a journalist, you should be truthful in your reporting.

To know more about fidelity visit:-



What are the positions of characters in Spoliarium?




"Spoliarium" is a painting by the Filipino artist Juan Luna, which was completed in 1884. The painting depicts a scene from ancient Rome, specifically a chamber beneath the Colosseum where the bodies of slain gladiators were stripped of their armor and disposed of. The positions of the characters in the painting are as follows:

In the center of the painting is a group of men, who appear to be slaves or laborers, dragging the bodies of the gladiators across the floor. The bodies are arranged in a pile, with some of them partially obscured by the others. The men are depicted in various poses, some kneeling or bending over to lift the bodies, while others stand upright and pull the bodies by the arms or legs.

In the background, behind the group of men, are several arches and doorways that lead to other chambers or corridors. The walls are covered in shadows and appear to be deteriorating, suggesting that the chamber is old and neglected.

To the left of the painting, there are several figures who appear to be spectators or onlookers. One figure, dressed in a toga, stands in front of an archway and looks down at the scene. Another figure, also in a toga, stands behind him, holding a lantern or torch.

To the right of the painting, there is a small figure of a child, who appears to be a slave or servant. The child is looking up at the group of men and gladiators, but seems to be detached from the scene, as if lost in thought or daydreaming.

Overall, the positions of the characters in "Spoliarium" suggest a dark and somber scene, with the central focus on the exploitation and dispossession of the gladiators, and the surrounding characters either participating in or observing the scene.

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Read It Watch It Master it Submit Answer TO.2/1.2 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS DEVORESTAT9 3.E.072. MY NOTES ASK YOUR TEACHER PRACTICE ANOTHER A personnel director interviewing 9 senior engineers for five job openings has scheduled seven interviews for the first day and two for the second day of interviewing. Assume that the candidates are interviewed in a random order. (a) What is the probability that x of the top five candidates are interviewed on the first day? 0 h; 2, 5, 9) Ohx; 2, 9, 5) OhN; 7, 9, 5) Ohx; 7,5,9) (b) How many of the top five candidates can be expected to be interviewed on the first day? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) candidates Need Help? Read it 1-/3 Points] DETAILS DEVORESTAT9 3.E.078. 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