First stop lying. You wrote 50 points in your question but actually you gave 8 points. Never try to lie again.
here is your answer
1. Mansa Musa transformed the kingdom of Mali into one of the wealthiest kingdoms in Africa through expanding trade and exploiting natural resources like gold, salt, and elephant ivory.
2. He turned Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers by bringing architects and scholars from across the Islamic world to design new buildings and promote scholarship.
3. His pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 C.E. brought him international fame and cemented his reputation as a symbol of fabulous wealth, but he is also remembered for his skillful administration and patronage of Islamic faith and culture in Mali.
What was an impact of the economic crash of 1929?
A. Many banks failed because too many depositors attempted to withdraw their savings.
B. Factories were forced to retool and refurbish in order to meet changing economic conditions.
C. Government tax policies were amended to increase revenue to pay for public services.
D. The number of immigrants dropped as economic opportunities disappeared.