its c
description setting of a lonely street
please help it is due 12:30
Answer: the street was desolate. the storefronts were devoid of displays, which was just as well, because not a single person was there to admire them. cars sat empty along the curb, collecting dust. the streetlamps that weren't burned out projected little circles of white light onto an empty, cracked sidewalk. the traffic light swung in the breeze, telling all the nonexistent drivers to stop. the “walk” sign was on, letting all the nonexistent pedestrians step out onto the faded white lines of the crosswalk.
Explanation: some little ideas:) ^
Answer: I stand in the street, listening to the sounds of crickets chirping and the wind blowing past. I sigh at the loneliness of the street, wondering where everyone has gone for the night. Stray pieces of trash blow past, the sidewalks empty, and all the cars that used to sit at the edge of people's driveways are gone.
does that work? xd
Which statement would the author of I Was Their American Dream most likely agree with? Religion is the most important factor in identity. Identity is influenced by many factors. Language can influence a person’s ethics. Identity is developed over time.
Identity is determined by a variety of variables, according to the author of the memoir "I Was Their American Dream," based on the title and substance of the book.
The memoir examines what topics?The memoir focuses on the author's upbringing as a Filipino-American and her struggles to deal with the complexity of her cultural identity as well as expectations from her family and the wider community. The author discusses how their background, social class, race, and nationality, among other things, all had an impact on how they identified themselves throughout the course of the book.Though the author also touches on religion and language, it is apparent that she views identity as a complicated term with many facets that cannot be boiled down to a single element.
To know more about American Dream visit:
Linguistic intelligence refers to a person's characteristic speaking pattern.
true or false
Linguistic intelligence, as proposed by Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, refers to a person's ability to use language effectively in various forms, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening.
The statement is False. Linguistic intelligence does not solely refer to a person's characteristic speaking pattern. It encompasses skills such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax, understanding and producing written and spoken language, and effectively communicating ideas and information. It does not solely focus on speaking patterns but rather encompasses a broader range of language-related abilities and skills.
Furthermore, linguistic intelligence extends beyond basic communication skills and can also encompass higher-order language abilities. This can include the capacity to analyze, interpret, and manipulate language in complex ways, such as understanding figurative language, appreciating nuances, and constructing persuasive arguments. It can also involve creativity in using language for storytelling, poetry, or other forms of written or spoken expression.
To learn more about Linguistic intelligence, visit here
Describe Mr. Frank's appearance
bored and mustach with larg nose
both kumalo and father vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. explain the two different ideas and applications of this metaphor.
In the novel "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton, Kumalo and Father Vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. The metaphor refers to the social and political unrest that is building up in South Africa, and the impending danger that it poses to the country's people and their way of life.
Kumalo's interpretation of the storm metaphor is one of fear and concern. He sees the storm as a sign of impending doom and destruction, and is worried about the impact that it will have on the lives of his fellow South Africans. He is deeply troubled by the fact that the storm is approaching, and feels a sense of urgency to do something to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the people and the land.
Father Vincent, on the other hand, has a more hopeful interpretation of the storm metaphor. He sees the storm as a sign of change and renewal, and believes that it presents an opportunity for the people of South Africa to come together and rebuild their country in a more just and equitable way. He acknowledges that the storm will bring with it some challenges and difficulties, but he believes that these can be overcome with hard work, cooperation, and a commitment to positive change.
Overall, the storm metaphor in "Cry, the Beloved Country" represents the challenges and opportunities that come with social and political change. Kumalo's interpretation emphasizes the danger and uncertainty of these changes, while Father Vincent's interpretation emphasizes the potential for growth and transformation. Both interpretations are valid, and they highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of the issues that the novel explores.
To know more about metaphor:
The two different ideas and applications of this metaphor is alan Paton's book "Cry, the Beloved Country" features Kumalo and Father Vincent talking about a metaphor about an incoming storm.
The metaphor alludes to the growing social and political upheaval in South Africa and the imminent threat it poses to the nation's citizens and way of life.Kumalo interprets the metaphor of the storm as one of fear and worry.
He worries about the effects the storm will have on his fellow South Africans' life since he sees it as a symbol of coming death and disaster. The storm's impending arrival severely disturbs him, and he feels compelled to take action to stop it from wreaking devastation on the Father Vincent, on the other hand, interprets the metaphor of the storm in a more uplifting way. In his opinion, the storm represents a chance for the people of South Africa to unite and rebuild their nation in a more just and equal manner.
Complete question:
both kumalo and father vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. explain the two different ideas and applications of this metaphor the character's reaction to that of kumalo or jarvis.
To know more about kumalo visit:
English: Fill in the blanks with suitable Connectives.
because - so -as - although - but
1. I wanted to go outside to play, __________ it was raining.
2. My mom told me to wear a jacket __________ it was cold outside.
3. I like to play video games, __________ I also enjoy playing outside with my friends.
4. __________ I was tired, I stayed up late to finish my book.
5. I practised my spelling words every day, __________ I got an A on my test.
1. I wanted to go outside to play, but it was raining.
2. My mom told me to wear a jacket because it was cold outside.
There are several types of connectives, such as coordinating conjunctions (e.g., and, or, but), subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, although, if), and conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however, therefore, consequently). The choice of connective depends on the relationship between the ideas being connected, and the appropriate use of connectives is an essential skill for effective writing.
.1. I wanted to go outside to play, but it was raining.
2. My mom told me to wear a jacket because it was cold outside.
3. I like to play video games, as I also enjoy playing outside with my friends.
4. Although I was tired, I stayed up late to finish my book.
5. I practiced my spelling words every day, so I got an A on my test.
To know more about connectivities:
What explanation does Grant give about what Miss Emma wants from Jefferson and why she wants it? Why is it too heavy a burden for Jefferson, as well as other black men?
Grant states that Miss Emma wants Jefferson to stand for the future of the black community and serve as a beacon of hope.
In an oppressive and dismal environment, she wants him to be a source of inspiration. She wants him to stand for resistance to injustice and the ability of the black race to transcend its limitations and reach greatness.
Jefferson, like many other black males, finds this responsibility to be too great. The pressure of living up to the expectations that their community has put on them is too much for them to handle.
There is a persistent dread of failing and pressure to be the best possible example of what is possible. Additionally, the pressure to achieve despite the tyranny and serve as a symbol of hope for an entire race is too much for one person to handle.
To learn more about Jefferson link is here
Why do you think Crooks cruelly teased Lennie
What is the heavy implication of the poem's ending? ("Eldorado")
In the poem "Eldorado" the heavy implication of the ending is that the quest for Eldorado, a legendary city of gold, is ultimately futile.
The knight in the poem spends his life searching for Eldorado but is never able to find it. Even when he is an old man on the brink of death, he continues his search, but in the end, he dies without ever finding the city. The final lines of the poem suggest that the knight's search was in vain, as he is told that "the shadow" he has been pursuing "lies floating on the floor."
This ending implies that the pursuit of wealth and material success is ultimately meaningless and that true fulfillment can only be found in other pursuits, such as love or personal growth.
Learn more about Eldorado
What events may be foreshadowed by his comment?
Without knowing the specific comment in question, it is difficult to determine what events may be foreshadowed. However, in general, a comment can foreshadow future events by hinting at or suggesting something that may happen later on.
For example, if someone were to say "I have a bad feeling about this," it could foreshadow a negative event occurring. Similarly, if someone were to make a comment about the weather becoming stormy, it could foreshadow a storm or other severe weather event. Ultimately, the events that may be foreshadowed by a comment depend on the context and content of the comment itself. The events that may be foreshadowed by his comment could be future occurrences or incidents that are subtly hinted at or suggested through the remark. These events could have a significant impact on the storyline or characters involved, giving insight into potential outcomes or consequences related to the comment.
To know more about occurrences refer :
The United States Constitution is a living document in that it can be changed—but not without the majority of Congress’s approval. Since its inception, there have been more than 11,000 proposed amendments, but only 33 have made it out of committees and been sent to states for ratification. Of those 33, only 27 have been ratified and become a part of the Constitution. Ten amendments were accepted in 1791 (just three years after the document was put into effect); those amendments became known as the Bill of Rights.
Among those first ten amendments is the often quoted and frequently contested second amendment. In light of recent events and gun-related crime, many argue that it is time to alter the second amendment while others argue that this particular amendment guarantees a right that is irrevocable.
In 2014, the Washington Post proposed the addition of the words “when serving in the militia” to eliminate the debate. The second amendment would then read: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms [when serving in the militia] shall not be infringed.”
You have already read the six sources provided in the lesson, including any introductory information for each source. Now, synthesize information from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed essay that argues a clear position on whether or not the second amendment should be altered to include any type of restrictive language.
Make sure your argument is central; use the sources to illustrate and support your reasoning. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses.
The prompt implies that the 2nd Amendment should be restricted in such a way that regulates the type of arms that the general public may have in hopes of creating what is a ideal "safe country". However, the 2nd Amendment is not in place simply as a byproduct of history, nor is it failing in serving the applicable requirements that were in place in the inception of the amendment. Nay, the 2nd Amendment serves the main purpose that it was prescribed to do, not only throughout history, but also even today. Firstly, it is important to define what is being stated inside the 2nd Amendment. Quote:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The two ways to define such a statement is firstly the literal, and also the application of such a law in the ever-changing society. In the traditional sense of the amendment, the first part of the law establishes the framework of a military force, relegating such a job to the states as a state power. In today's society, it is not particularly what is being argued, as both sides of the political aisle calls upon the need and usage of weaponry in a police state (though one side simply relegates such a power when arguing the point of gun control, while arguing that the police force is inadequate in policing our community, and that it should be disbanded when arguing on the topic of police). The arguments, as such, contradict each other, and, in application, would call for the need of the 2nd Amendment, as it allows civilian individuals to provide protection against aggressors within their community.
The second argument that is implied by both sides is the historical elements of the 2nd Amendment. Those who wish to change the 2nd Amendment assumes that the need for such protection had already ended with the "civilizing of America as a whole", and simply allowing those who are placed in power to relegate the defense as well as the safety of the public. However, this is far from the truth in many cases. The average time for police response is around 10 minutes, and can be longer in actually searching and apprehending any criminals can be even longer (See Ulvade school crisis). A armed individual, whether as a legal owner or hired security, responds much quicker to the problem, and may lead to less casualties. A study by The Trace showed that at least 75.8% of shooters are successfully stopped by armed civilians (without police arriving), as well as 18.2% being stopped in a orderly amount of time. Armed security have a lower chance based on ALERRT, in which around 1/3 of cases with active security have been actually stopped by such force. It is also important to note that many shooting are from weapons that have not been legally obtained, either from the lack of a permit to use, or simply from the black market. As such, even if more laws are passed that regulates the flow of legal firearms, it simply does not stop the flow of illegal arms, and introduces more illegal firearms to the country, which in turn may create more incidents where a illegally owned weapon is used.
Simply put, banning the ability to purchase and own guns in a culture that had been centered around the ability to own a gun in the majority of her history is simply ludicrous. After all, in theory as shooters seem to target areas with less danger to themselves, having guns in the hands of average citizens would in turn limit the options of having a "easier" target, leading to a reduction of crime. Of course, if the shooter has a specific reason for such a target, they would not be stopped simply by the presence of firearms, however, if the target is simply general, it may lead to the shooter to not choose that area as a target.
Directions: You are an agent at the US Bureau of Consular Affairs. You receive the following letter from someone wishing to travel to Sierra Leone. Research answers to their questions and advise them on their decision to visit the country. Be as specific as you can in your response. You should demonstrate your knowledge of the current state of affairs in the country
Encourage the person to think twice about coming to Sierra Leone right now in light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the country's shaky political situation, and the possibility of civil unrest.
Hello, John
We appreciate your interest in visiting Sierra Leone. Even while the nation has made great progress recently, you should be aware of some safety risks and limitations before you make your choice.
For brief stays, it is generally safe to go to Sierra Leone. There are still some safety and security concerns to be aware of, especially in specific places. Visitors should be aware of their surroundings and steer clear of huge crowds because political protests and civil turmoil can happen. Furthermore, crime, notably armed robberies and assaults, is a problem, especially in metropolitan areas.
It's also critical to be knowledgeable about the country's present regulations. Visas are required in advance for entry into Sierra Leone for all visitors. Additionally, there are limitations on the importing of specific products, such as drugs, explosives, and guns.
With this knowledge, we hope you can decide wisely whether to visit Sierra Leone. In case you have any further inquiries, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
US Bureau of Consular Affairs
To learn more about political situation link is here
What does Hartey's F-Max test do?
Hartey's F-Max test is a clinical assessment tool used to measure the maximum biting force of an individual. The test is performed using a bite force transducer, which measures the amount of force exerted by the individual's teeth when biting down on the device.
This information can be useful in evaluating the strength and function of the muscles involved in biting and chewing, as well as in identifying potential dental or medical issues that may be affecting a person's ability to bite and chew effectively. The test typically takes only a few minutes to perform and is non-invasive, making it a useful tool for dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare professionals.
For more such questions on transducer, click on:
Why are some words and phrases bolded in the Social Media Policy for Widget Corp document?
O to explain what a section is mainly about
• to highlight every detail of the document
O to show the steps of a specific procedure
O to organize key concepts in the document
Some words and phrases are bolded in the Social Media Policy for Widget Corp document to explain what a section is mainly about.
An organization's business code of conduct typically includes a social media policy that instructs employees on how to conduct themselves and represent the brand on social media. It contains guidelines to safeguard the security, privacy, and legal interests of the brand.
A social media policy is a set of guidelines for how employees of a company should utilize social media. Many companies have social media guidelines. Social media rules are in place at some healthcare organizations. Social media use by the government is subject to additional regulations.
Learn more about the Social Media Policy here:
Why do Prince Hamlet's friends try to dissuade him from going with the ghost?
Prince Hamlet's friends, Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo, try to dissuade him from going with the ghost because they fear for his safety.
They believe that the ghost may be a malevolent spirit that could harm Hamlet or lead him into danger. Additionally, they are concerned about Hamlet's mental state, as he has been behaving erratically since his father's death.
They worry that the ghost may be a hallucination or a manifestation of Hamlet's grief-induced madness. Therefore, they caution Hamlet to be careful and to think before he acts, hoping to prevent any harm that may come to him.
Learn more about Prince Hamlet's
Which of these passages from the poem most strongly supports the answer to Question 3?
The quote from "The New Colossus" that most strongly supports the answer to Question 3, "It will guide people in need to a successful and safe land," is D. “‘I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’”
What is a lamp?A lamp is a device that produces light, usually by using electricity or burning fuel such as oil or gas. It is often used for lighting a room or area, or for reading or working at night. In "The New Colossus" poem, the "lamp" is a reference to the torch held by the Statue of Liberty, which symbolizes enlightenment and guidance for those who seek a better life in the United States.
This line is referring to the Statue of Liberty holding a torch, which symbolizes enlightenment and guidance, and the "golden door" represents the United States as a land of opportunity and prosperity. This suggests that the statue's welcoming light will guide those who are seeking a better life to a successful and safe land.
To know more about prosperity visit:
Complete question: Which quote from the poem most strongly supports the answer to Question 3?
**From the poem: "The New Colossus"
A. “whose flame / Is the imprisoned lightning”
B. “Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand”
C. “The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.”
D. “‘I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’”
1. What should Ben be doing in the conclusion of his speech about the history of the electoral college?
A. introducing his main points
B.establishing his credibility
C.summing up his main points
D.offering supporting evidence
2. Tanya is giving a presentation on coping with grief after the death of a parent for 10 kids in the school district where she teaches. She’s trying to decide if doing an in person or online presentation will be better. What would most likely be declaring factor?
A. They are likely won’t be any discussion during the presentation
B. Most of the audience is remote
C. Grief is deeply emotional topic
D.Most people would want to be able to fast forward through part of the presentation
What type of essay should be used to
convince readers to get more physical
A. expository essay
B. informal personal essay
C. persuasive essay
D. formal personal essay
C, persuasive essay
The question is asking you to convince readers to get more exercise, so you need an essay to convince, or persuade the reader.
An expository essay is when you are given an idea to explore, read passages to find evidence, and write about that topic.
An informal personal essay is a nonfictional story about personal experiences or story, up to the author.
A persuasive essay is used to convince the reader to do something, and can be effective or not effective.
A formal personal essay is the same thing as an informal personal essay, except it's more based on real life situations, or evidence from articles.
Option C would be the correct answer for this question.
The term Corrective Maintenance is?
a) Work performed in response to a failure
b) Work performed at the direction of a supervisor
c) Work performed to prevent failures
d) Work performed as scheduled maintenance
Corrective maintenance refers to work that is performed in response to a failure or malfunction of a system or equipment.
It involves identifying and repairing the underlying cause of the failure to restore the system to its normal operating condition.
Corrective maintenance is typically reactive in nature, as it is triggered by an unexpected problem or failure. It can be unplanned and urgent, requiring immediate attention to avoid significant disruptions to the system or equipment.
Corrective maintenance is an essential part of maintenance management, as it ensures that equipment and systems are functioning as intended and minimizes downtime. However, it is important to note that corrective maintenance should not be the only form of maintenance used, as it can be costly and disruptive.
Preventive maintenance, which involves regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance, should also be used to identify and address potential issues before they lead to failures. Overall, corrective maintenance is an important component of an effective maintenance strategy, as it helps to ensure that equipment and systems are functioning reliably and efficiently.
Learn more about equipment here:
The meter and rhyme scheme of "Eldorado" is reminiscent of a ___.
The meter and rhyme scheme of "Eldorado" by Edgar Allan Poe is reminiscent of a ballad.
A ballad is a form of narrative poetry that typically tells a story and is often accompanied by music. Ballads often follow a specific rhyme scheme and meter, which is known as the ballad meter.
The ballad meter consists of quatrains, or stanzas with four lines, in which the first and third lines have four stressed syllables and the second and fourth lines have three stressed syllables. This meter creates a musical, sing-song quality that is easy to remember and recite.
In "Eldorado," Poe uses this meter to tell the story of a knight's search for the mythical land of Eldorado. The rhyme scheme of "Eldorado" is also consistent with the ballad form, using a simple ABAB rhyme scheme that adds to the poem's musicality and enhances its narrative quality.
To learn more about Eldorado
Read the excerpt from A Rumor of War. We left Vietnam peculiar creatures, with young shoulders that bore rather old heads. What is the author attempting to convey to the reader using sensory language? a. Only old men were allowed to fight in the war. b. Injuries caused veterans to age more quickly. c. While their bodies were young, their minds were old. P
d. Physical damage caused psychological damage.
The author attempting to convey to the reader using sensory language is while their bodies were young, their minds were old. So the option c is correct.
In order to show how the Vietnam War soldiers' experiences altered them, the author uses sensory language. Even though their bodies were still young, the weight of everything they had experienced during the war had been placed on them, giving them a mental maturity that was far older than their actual age.
These troops had suffered as a result of the war, which had exposed them to the harsh realities of combat and forced them to mature swiftly in order to survive. They felt considerably older than their years as a result of the physical and mental stress of war. So the option c is correct.
To learn more about A Rumor of War link is here
C) While their bodies were young, their minds were old.
Got 100% on Edge
Order these events chronologically as they occur in the story.
THIRD Options (1 of 1)
Mabel sits by herself on a couch and reflects on her family and her life's failures.
FOURTH Options (1 of 1)
Mabel decides on steps she will take to transform herself and leaves the party.
FIRST Options (1 of 1)
Mabel goes to the corner to look at herself in the mirror. She feels miserable about the new dress.
SECOND Options (1 of 1)
Mabel interacts with other partygoers and imagines what they think about her new dress.
The chronological order of events in "The New Dress" by Virginia Woolf is as follows: FIRST, Mabel goes to the corner to look at herself in the mirror.
She feels miserable about the new dress. SECOND, Mabel interacts with other partygoers and imagines what they think about her new dress. THIRD, Mabel sits by herself on a couch and reflects on her family and her life's failures. FOURTH, Mabel decides on steps she will take to transform herself and leaves the party.
The story shows Mabel's anxiety and insecurities as she tries to fit in with the fashionable crowd at the party. The order of events highlights Mabel's internal struggle with her own self-doubt and the external pressure to conform to societal norms of beauty and fashion.
To learn more about Virginia Woolf, here
How do the references to the narrator's father
throughout the story contribute to the
development of the plot?
The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for
exposition that foreshadows the decision the
narrator makes in the resolution.
The distracted behavior of the father causes the
narrator to become frustrated, which complicates
the decision the narrator has to make.
The overbearing actions of the father cause the
narrator to become uncertain, which inhibits the
choices the narrator is able to make.
The positive descriptions of the father provide
context for the main conflict that the narrator
struggles with throughout the story.
The references to the narrator's father contribute to the plot development is by the depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.
The correct answer would be: The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.
Throughout the story, the references to the narrator's father play a significant role in the development of the plot. They contribute to the unfolding of events and the internal conflict faced by the narrator. The depiction of the father as a teacher allows for exposition that foreshadows the decision the narrator makes in the resolution.
Firstly, the references to the father as a teacher provide valuable context and insight into the narrator's upbringing and environment. This background information helps establish the foundation for the conflicts and challenges faced by the narrator. The father's role as an educator sets up the expectations and pressures placed on the narrator to succeed academically and make responsible decisions.
Secondly, the distracted behavior of the father serves as a catalyst for the narrator's frustration. The father's lack of attention or preoccupation with other matters causes the narrator to feel neglected or overlooked. This frustration complicates the decision the narrator has to make because it adds an emotional layer to the thought process. The narrator's emotions and state of mind become intertwined with the decision-making process, making it more challenging to arrive at a clear choice.
Furthermore, the overbearing actions of the father contribute to the narrator's uncertainty. The father's excessive control or interference in the narrator's life creates a sense of self-doubt and inhibits the choices the narrator is able to make. The narrator may feel constrained by the expectations and limitations imposed by the father, leading to internal conflict and a struggle to assert personal agency.
Lastly, the positive descriptions of the father provide context for the main conflict that the narrator struggles with throughout the story. If the father is portrayed as supportive, caring, and wise, it adds weight to the narrator's dilemma. The internal conflict arises from the narrator's desire to make choices that align with personal values while also seeking approval or meeting the expectations set by the father.
For more such information on: plot
Act V Summary 'Romeo and Juliet'
4-6 sentences max
Answer: In Act V of "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo listens of Juliet's clear passing and buys harm from an pharmacist. He goes to Juliet's tomb and experiences Paris, whom he slaughters in a duel. Romeo at that point takes the harm and kicks the bucket fair as Juliet stirs from her drug-induced rest. Finding Romeo dead, Juliet cuts herself with his knife and kicks the bucket. The families of the youthful partners arrive and the catastrophe of their quarrel is at last realized.
A page in a story
write either a fantasy or sci-fi story with around 300+ words. the story doesn't need to have an end or a start, you can start writing inn the middle of the story, because its supoosed to be like a page in book so you dont nessecerly need to have an end to the story.
i dot now what answer
what answer
How is Scout different from her classmates - what sticks out about her identity? What does that reveal about her and her situation?
Scout is much more educated than her classmates. She had more opportunity to learn than that of her peers.
Why did Ernie initially refuse to sign Marla Hooch?
Marla Hooch was initially rejected by Ernie because she was a woman. The demands of professional baseball were too much for female players, in his opinion.
Because he believed that women were physically inferior to men and couldn't endure the physicality of professional baseball, Ernie initially refused to sign Marla Hooch. He thought they wouldn't be able to handle the more physically demanding parts of the game, such throwing, sprinting, and catching.
He was particularly worried about their mental stability since he thought women were more likely to lose it in trying circumstances. This out-of-date thinking was based on the antiquated idea that women were less athletically gifted than males.
To learn more about Marla Hooch link is here
Read the passage.
In this excerpt, Cassius recalls an incident from Caesar's childhood when he became ill and weak.
excerpt from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
His coward lips did from their colour fly,
And that same eye whose bend doth awe the world
Did lose his lustre: I did hear him groan:
Ay, and that tongue of his that bade the Romans
Mark him and write his speeches in their books,
Alas, it cried 'Give me some drink, Titinius,'
As a sick girl. Ye gods, it doth amaze me
A man of such a feeble temper should
So get the start of the majestic world
And bear the palm alone.
What is the meaning of the line, "Ay, and that tongue of his that bade the Romans / Mark him and write his speeches in their books"?
Caesar's powerful speeches impressed the Romans, who recorded them in writing.
The words of Julius Caesar will last as long as people remember Rome.
When Caesar lost the power of speech, he lost his most effective weapon.
Caesar spoke before he thought, so his speeches got him into trouble with the people.
The meaning of the line from "Julius Caesar" provided in the prompt is option A, Caesar's powerful speeches impressed the Romans, who recorded them in writing.
Who was Julius Caesar?Julius Caesar was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
The famous Shakespearean play "Julius Caesar" is based on the events that led up to Caesar's tragic death in the hands of those he trusted. In the passage under analysis here, the line means that Caesar was a powerful speaker. His speeches were so impressive that the Romans felt the need to record them in writing.
Therefore, option A is our answer.
Learn more about "Julius Caesar" here:
Some one helped me with this assignment thank you !
Relative Pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, that
Common Subordinating Conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, if, since, that, unless, until, when, where, while
How to explain the informationAlthough I love to travel, I haven't been on a trip since the pandemic started.
The cat, which was gray and fluffy, sat lazily on the windowsill while the birds chirped outside.
He couldn't remember where he put his keys, which caused him to be late for work.
Learn more about pronoun on
The teacher asked us to write an essay and provide evidence to support our ideas with details from the text. What phrase provides a context clue to help determine the meaning of "evidence"? Group of answer choices And provide Details from the text The teacher asked us To write an essay
"Provide details from the text" is the context clue that helps determine the meaning of "evidence."
What are context clues?They are techniques for determining the meaning of a word.It is a way to promote reading optimization.Through context clues, it is possible to understand the meaning of specific words. This is because the context clue allows anyone to analyze the general context of a text as a whole, allowing the identification of the individual meaning of that word in the general context.
This optimizes reading and allows for a greater understanding of the text.
Learn more about context clues: